For many people, time is the enemy, we race against time to complete tasks and meet deadlines. So Stayfocused is you choice, a free simple to-do list with Pomodoro Timer keeps track of the time that you've spent on each of tasks and helps you complete each of them on-time. The idea of Stayfocused is based on The Pomodoro Technique. The root of the idea is that you work for 25 minutes straight and then break for 5 minutes.
What can Stayfocused Free do?
--Manage Task: Create / Edit / Delete / Starred your task.
--Redo Task: Redo task you needed any-time.
--Launch Programs: Choose any Programs needed to complete your task.
--Open Sites: Open any websites needed to complete your current task.
--Open Docs: Open any pertinent documents in their default applications.
--Set Timer: Set timer for x minutes you need to complete your task.
Who does Stayfocused work for?
Motivate yourself to write.
Keep track of how long you're spending brainstorming / writing / revising.
Reduce back and neck pain by walking around during Pomodoro breaks.
Kill multitasking urges in the office.
Get reports finished on time.
Immerse yourself in programming, confining emailing to one or two Pomodoros a day.
Break large, demanding tasks into shorter steps.
Separate time they spend developing and refactoring.
Reduce amount of bad code.
Write papers.
Track assignments.